Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Grot Battlewagon and Big Mek KFF on a Bike

GW took Looted Wagons out of the codex, and I don't like the profile much anyway. Thus, I will be running this, somewhat small, battlewagon as a transport for Grots. It will be a wagon with a Kill Kannon to explain the turret, but it lower point games, I may just run it as a really, really big Kannon.

A friend of mine traded this vehicle to me, so I only made the turret. This wagon will put me to 5 Battlewagons, which is a magic number because I can now run the Blitza formation. If anyone complains about the size of this wagon, I will just hot swap the official model for drawing Line of Sight and cover. You can see Infinity figures looming in the background, which is the game that I rather put my money in, but I cannot give up the fun of hobbyside of Orks.

This is Big Mek Buzz-Kill. He will be my big mek with Kustom Force Field on a bike. The killsaw may not be the best choice since it it is hefty in points, but it seems fun, and I wanted to model it. So there. I used a big shoota boy body from the Battlewagon kit to make a surfing Ork. It is is dumb, but we are talking about cockney-speaking fungus here. I learned that I enjoy hobbying much more if I just make/paint what makes me happy as opposed if it will seem idiotic to others. Thus, one of the handle bars is an axe. This mek is so kunning that he made a choppa-handla bar.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Morknaut in the Kan: How to paint Ork Armor Easy, like a Weedy Git!

Painting ork armor can be so easy, even an Ork could do it!

1) Build model, duh.
2) Prime with Krylon Matte Aluminum. Matte, never Satin or Gloss.
3) Use a blister sponge (not kitchen sponge) to apply rust. Go crazy! I used Vallejo Rust Brown.
4) Wash, wash, wash the model with black wash. I used a whole pot of GW Nuln Oil.
5) Pick out details like glowy bits, rivets, and such.
6) Wash it again! I have used brown and black wash this time only on the newly painted parts, or spots that I missed.
7) Make an interesting base. Tell a story. I pulled out some cast away bits, and worked in a weedy grot.

8) Job's done!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

1 Ork Buggy = 2 Mek Gunz: Cheap, Easy Conversion

     I sacrificed 2 buggies to the plastic gods in order to make 4 mek gunz. The plasticard was looted from "No Smoking" and "Deer Crossing" signs from the hardware store.
     Here they are with added gubbinz.

Tip for cutting the center of plasticard, drill holes first, and then cut into it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Orky Objective Markers, Weirdboyz, Meks, and a Squig.

Objective markers are complete. I just need to wait for the humidity to lower, so I can seal them. I find that if I do not seal at humidity greater than 75% then my models do not ghost.

Here are some Ork characters that may or may not be useful in the new book. I hope you can still turn enemy characters into squigs.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Preparing for the New Ork Codex: A Megaboss, Objective Markers, and a Morkanaut

Meet my new Mega Armor Warboss,  Koop da Krusha, Bringa' ov da Stomp. Greenstuff bellies are fun. He needs to lay off the fungus beer.

His large belly was a canvas that screamed for a silly tattoo. Thus, "Baus Lyfe" was born.

I haphazardly put my Morkanaut together before the new codex because I was so excited for the kit. It as a very early birthday gift from a friend. I decided to be conservative and pin the KFF, which was easy, but I wasted the Kustom Mega Kannon because it looks to be better than the Morkanaut gun since the high Strength, AP 2, and blast all are weapon traits that are valuable to orks.

As, you can see there is a nice circle all ready marked in the Morkanaut's body where you can drill a hole for a pin. Also, that little nub between the 2 legs on the front face of the KFF is fairly close to center on it, so I just eyeballed this pin job, like a proppa ork.

Finally, I made some easy to see objective markers for the Maelstrom missions. You  need something very visible since you will always be checking the number of an objective, so I went with the banners. I am going to number them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Lots. I little dip in the bitz box spice them up nicely, and I paved a way in the pumice basing for the Mysterious Objective die to sit securely.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Aveng-Orks Assemble!: The Marvel Super Ork Meganobs

     My new favorite unit is Meganobs in a trukk. Also, I used to read Marvel comics back in the day. Thus, the Aveng-orks were born.

First, Snikt da Klawz-boy.

Second, Kaptain Ork'merika

Third, the Unkrumpable Bulk
Fourth, Thork, the Morken son
Finally, Tonee Stork, the Iron Git

Also, my power klaw warboss, Kaptain Krump.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

1000 pt 40k League: The best points level?

     I really enjoy 6th edition 40k at 1000 points. The games play fast, it makes it hard to spam units, and it plays faster. Perfect for my hobby needs. I am participating in a 6 week league at the local FLGS with my Orks.

Game 1 was versus Dark Angels with an Imperial Knight w/ 2 objectives in the enemy deployment. Yikes! Lucky for me, the lootas took off some hull points, and meganobs got some punches in, so it went down. Nob bikers and a trukk of meganobs drew away fire from the boyz, so they could bully all ready weakened units. A victory for the green-skins.

Dark Angel Deployment

Ork Deployment

The lootas, probably the one with the huge rocket launcher, take down the metallic beast.

Ravenwing Bikers evaporated my Nob bikers and Warboss
Boyz came over to get revenge on the Ravenwing
Boyz hustle towards the 2 objectives
Boyz fight with a stubborn Dark Angel
Game 2 was a Farsight Crisis suit list with a Riptide w/ a modified Relic mission type. Another scary list for my boyz. It was Hammer and Anvil deployment, so Bikers and the Meganobs screamed towards the shootiness to tie it up, hopefully. Another, surprising, Ork victory since I have been defeated by Tau much before.
Warboss caught the Riptide in the top of turn 3
Nob bikers charged the gunline. The painboy failed Dangerous Terrain, failed his saves, so he died. :(
This Riptide fought my boss for 3 full rounds of combat! We now named this Riptide Ran'De Sav'age for his fighting prowess. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1775 Ork Escalation List: Pogo Stompa Powaa!

     Here are two of my kitbashed Meks to make repair rolls on the Stompa. They wouldn't be too bad in a Battlewagon, either, come to think of it..... My favorite piece is the little Imperial tool/lunch box.

     Here is the 1775 list for an Escalation tournament. I don't expect many non-Imperial Guard super heavies at my store, beyond a Thunderhawk.

- Big Mek w/ KFF and grot oiler - 7 Loota w/ 3 Meks (1 loota per firing port) - 3*20 Shoota boys w/ Klaw/Pole/Armor Nob - 10 Grots w/ Runtherd - 2*Dakkajet w/ ExtraShoota/FlyBoss - Stompa w/ Extra SupaRokkit
    What do you think? The Extra Supa Rokkit could be more grots, but I think the large blast is more valuable. The idea is that I want to have troops surround the Stompa to protect the it from fast melta. Also, the Stompa makes all of my Ork units Fearless, which is nice.

    I could drop the Dakkajets and buy the boys 3 Deff-rolla wagons. The benefit of that idea would be that everything in the list could move 12", which seems scary. Also, it would be very satisfying to Deff-rolla an Imperial Guard Lord of War. Dakkajets are MVPs of my usual lists, though, and exploding Battlewagons kills a LOT of boys.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pogo-Stompa Basecoat = Complete

I primed it with Krylon Metallic Matte, and I have been brushing/sponging on colors for about 3 hours now. Next up, detail work and such.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Own Tater Titan: The Pogo-Stompa

"A wonderful thing is a Stompa; 
A Stompa's a wonderful thing. 
Their tops are made out of rokkits, 
their bottoms are made out of spring 
They're stompy, bouncy, stompy, bouncy,
 fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, 
The most wonderful thing 
about Stompas is: 
I'm the stompiest one!"

from my amigo, Pat. 

I've always wanted to make a potato Stompa ever since I saw the original made by IronDog Studios. I bought the stompa weapons many moons ago, when they were cheap. Escalation finally pushed me into making my own.

The idea of the pogo-stompa is to represent the rules, where the Stompa stomps on units after it moves. I like the image of it pogo-ing on it's victims cheerfully. 

The other benefit to the pogo leg, is that the potato head body is a touch too small to be a full-size stompa, so now I don't have to worry about being called cheesy.

The next step is to start cutting up cereal boxes for armor plates, and add on other bits to spruce it up. I have a deadline because I want to run this beast in an Escalation tournament in mid-January at 1775 points. I want to run the Zombie Stompa, which is full of meks to keep repairing hull points.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Welcome to Ork Town: Fully Painted Ork/Nid Action with Music

     The owner of gave me the honor of baptizing the new Ork Town table with green, fungal blood. This offer was too sweet to resist, so I dusted off the boyz to enter da fight.

     I wanted a crazy scrum, so we decided to run 1500 against Tyranids using the Death World rules. One of the rules is that lightning comes down on a 4+ and strikes the tallest unit (counting terrain and any decorative part of a model), and hits it with 2d5 Strength 8 AP 4 hits. Many ork units were fried by the power of Thor. Here are the pictures as a slideshow with Orky muzak!

     I lost, but this game represented 40k at its finest; fully painted armies on a fully painted table. Now, I am inspired to paint up some more Orks since I have been distracted by Infinity for the past 3 months. Side-note: I was helping referee an Infinity game, while I was playing my Orks, which made me happy.