Showing posts with label PanOceania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PanOceania. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Infinity - PanOcean Military Order - Knights of the Round meets the A-Team

     PanOceania has the future Catholic church as one of it's sectorial (theme) groups. I wanted to build a list that had as many different knights as possible. This is like a holy version of the A-Team.

     In a Military Orders list, you can select one group of knights that you can field multiples of and then 2 Confere (non-selected) single knights. You can also work in Magister Knights, but that gets crazy points wise. You can also pick special characters like Joan of Arc or Gabrielle de Fersen to fit in more flavor.

Here is my current 250 list

 GROUP 1 (Regs: 7/Irrs: 0):

  KNIGHT HOSPITALLER Doctor MULTI Rifle / Pistol, AP CCW (52)
    MOV:4-2  CC:16  BS:14  PH:14  WIP:13  ARM:4  BTS:-6  W:2 
    Regular, Frenzy, Cube, Linkable
    Martial Arts L2, Sixth Sense L1, Religious Troop, Doctor

  TEUTONIC KNIGHT Spitfire / Pistol, AP CCW (46 | 2)
    MOV:4-4  CC:18  BS:14  PH:14  WIP:13  ARM:3  BTS:-6  W:2 
    Regular, Frenzy, No Cube, Linkable
    Berserk, Jungle Terrain, Religious Troop, V: Courage

  KNIGHT OF SANTIAGO Spitfire, E/M Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW (51 | 1.5)
    MOV:4-2  CC:18  BS:14  PH:13  WIP:13  ARM:4  BTS:-3  W:2 
    Regular, Frenzy, Cube, Linkable
    Religious Troop, 360ΒΊ Visor, Zero-G

  JOAN OF ARC Lieutenant MULTI Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW (61 | 1)
    MOV:4-2  CC:18  BS:15  PH:15  WIP:15  ARM:5  BTS:-6  W:2 
    Regular, Frenzy, Cube, Linkable
    Martial Arts L3, Inspiring Leadership, V: No Wound Incapacitation, Religious Troop, Lieutenant

  2x PALBOT Electric Pulse (3)
    MOV:6-4  CC:8  BS:8  PH:8  WIP:13  ARM:0  BTS:-3  STR:1 
    Regular, Not Impetuous, G: Servant
    CH: Mimetism

  3x FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife (10)
    MOV:4-4  CC:13  BS:12  PH:10  WIP:12  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1 
    Regular, Not Impetuous, Cube, Linkable

 246 Points | SWC: 3.5

Army Infinity v.3.0. -

     I haven't played the army yet (I am rocking a strict, paint before play clause, now), but it is fluffed to be a Order of Mercy group that goes behind enemy lines to save civilians or prisoners. I want to use Fusiliers over the Military Order grunts because I view Fusiliers as more expendable. This group is set out to attack aganist my buddy's, JMock, Combined Army. Fusiliers also let me switch between Vanilla PanOceania and Military Orders more easily.

Infinity plays from 150 to 300 points. I would suggest demoing it with 3 line troops (Fusiliers) and 1 heavy infantry unit (Any knight).

Knight Hospitaller (My favorite)

Knight of Santiago

Teutonic Knight

CrocMan (can't be used in a Military Order sectorial) is an awesome Maori doing a Haka. He also rocks TO camo, which is why I painted his lower half Predator-esque.

Fusiliers are chumps, but I have a weakness for berets. I wanted to have red ones, too, like the UNIT operatives in Dr. Who.

The bases are MicroArt Studios - Ruined Factory. I feared that they may add too much height, but my guys are still not as tall as JMock's Combined Army!

Before pics

Friday, June 1, 2012

Infinity: ORC Trooper (Not that kind of Ork)

     This model was a pleasure to paint. It helps that I went in with a game plan. Also, I used white primer with a black wash to pick out the details. This preparation went MUCH nicer than my prime black technique.

     I am pleased with the results. This figure was my first attempt at line highlights. They are probably a tad bit extreme, but I really wanted this guy to pop. I also wanted to limit my use of metal paints.

Orc Armor
+++ Base Coat - Reaper Master Paint "Cloudy Grey"
+++ 1st highlight - GW Fortress Grey
+++ Line highlight - Vallejo Ivory
+++ Final Touch - GW Badab Black Wash

+++ Eyes - GW Blood Red
+++ Under-armor - GW Tin Bitz
+++ Rifle - GW Boltgun

++ Bricks - Vallejo Sand -> GW Badab Black -> GW Devlan Mud -> More Vallejo Sand
++ Earth - GW Desert Sand -> GW Devlan Mud

   Expect more to come....

Class Dismissed.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another game system...: "To Infinity and Beyond!"

Welp. I have started another game system, Infinity. Luckily, this is a skirmish game, so the model count SHOULD stay low. The major draw of this game for me is using TONS of terrain. The rule book states that there shouldn't be more of an 8-inch gap without terrain. Also, the models are gorgeous.

I ordered in the Military Order starter of the PanOceania group. I couldn't resist crazy Indonesian/Aussie Catholic Future Knights running around in power armor. The knights still have shooting, but they can melee, even though melee seems to be an after-thought in Infinity.

Luckily, my FLGS had the Knight Hospitaller blister in, which is my favorite. I also picked up some MaxMini Old Factory bases to be all fancy.

I also ordered in the Knight of Santiago blister. I love saying his name. SANTIAGO. Supposedly, he is a dervish of death.

Now, I just need to decide on a color scheme for my grunts. Do I go with the Hospitaller or Santiago theme? Make up my own? Go with a default for any grunts and give the special ones their scheme? Me thinks that the last option seems more reasonable and would be more universal.